Articles for the Issue –

2003 Volume 58 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
The previous article offered: (i) an outline of 1 Corinthians 14; and (ii) some expository comments on verses 1-19. The present article provides expository comments on verses 20-40. For ease of referenc…
The basins, about which we are told nothing other than the material they were constructed of, were used to catch the blood of the sacrifices; none was to fall to the ground. As we consider this the word…
INTRODUCTION The writer has had to rely on the information provided by the only two surviving founder members, Mrs. Vi Mitchell who is now 82 years old and now unable to get out to all the meetings due …
When you can stand up to threats of harm and suggestions of compromise, you’ve got ‘furnace faith’. Facing a fiery furnace heated seven times over, the three young Hebrews refused to compromise their be…
‘An odd by-product of my loss is that I'm aware of being an embarrassment to everyone I meet … I see people, as they approach me, trying to make up their minds whether they’ll ‘say something about it’ o…
We are encouraged, as we publish yet another issue of the magazine, to receive so many letters and emails from believers speaking of the benefit they are getting from its contents. Thank you for this st…
GENERAL ARCHIVE In the 70s, F. F. Bruce was instrumental in founding a Christian Brethren Archive in John Rylands University Library at Manchester. Through the work of Dr David Brady on the Library staf…
The resurrection of Jesus Christ has always challenged the greatest minds in the world. The mocking laughter of the Athenian philosophers two thousand years ago has been echoed regularly down through th…
If tongues were for worship as opposed to prophecy, what did God have in mind with this gift? Did speaking in a foreign language not understood by the speaker enable the worshipper to rise to greater he…
Job is given God’s highest commendation. God said of Job, ‘There is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil’, Job 1. 8. Surely such a man taught his chi…
Naomi had never thought to hear such words again. They were spoken with good-natured humour by her neighbours because she ‘took the child, and laid it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it’. Yet Naomi …
The life and experiences of Jehoshaphat have much to teach a believer. He was the fourth king of Judah, and reigned for twenty-five years from around 875 to 850 BC. Jehoshaphat, whose name means ‘Jehova…
Origins of Postal Bible School Postal Bible School began in Ireland forty-five years ago. It was started as a result of the vision of Bert and Wendy Gray. Originally called Postal Sunday School, they pr…
As darkness crept over the Judean hills and enveloped Jerusalem, the Lord Jesus gathered with His own. Although the terrible gloom of Golgotha lay before Him, listen to the words He gave them, ‘These th…
Read the psalm through first, and then keep your Bible open so that you can refer to it as you read this article. The Scripture references are given so that you may turn them up for yourself where the v…
AN UNLIKELY CANDIDATE? Of all people seemingly unlikely to be a real shepherd, Jacob would come high on any list. A basic requirement of all shepherds is that they set the needs and welfare of their she…
Many have asked how we’re doing since Heather’s homecall, and it occurred to me as I thought about it, that much of what can be said fits nicely with the verses following ‘Rejoice in the Lord always’, t…
Last night I took a journeyTo a land across the seas.I didn’t go by ship or plane -I travelled on my knees. I saw so many people thereIn bondage to their sin,And Jesus told me I should go,Some of these …
Perhaps one of the most significant technological developments of the late twentieth century was the establishment of the Internet, or the (World Wide) Web. It is very simply a network of computers that…
Book Reviews in this Issue
By Derek Thomas. 192 pp. Published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North, Darlington, DL3 0PH, England, or PO BOX 84, Auburn, MA 01501, U.S.A. £7.95. ISBN 0 85234 531 3. A book brought t…
By John Ritchie. 128 pp. Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, Scotland, KA3 1RH. £5.95. ISBN 1 904064 15 9. Here is a book first published over a century ago, the contents of which…

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