Articles for the Issue –

2001 Volume 56 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
A SHORT HISTORY In 1893 Mr. James Meharg and Mr. James Clark came to Ballywillwill from Downpatrick and Ballynahinch where they had been preaching. They arrived on bicycles and had come to look for a si…
The first step in settling the question of your ‘eternal security’ is to make sure you understand what salvation really is. Do you know what happened to you when you were saved? Let’s have a look at so…
Nearly thirty years ago while in university I encountered my first Christadelphian. He was a student in the same hall of residence as myself. Together we talked about the Bible and started to consider s…
The events of the past month will not be easily forgotten. Even now the silent images of the jet aircraft, as they hurtled into the World Trade Organisation’s twin towers, remain an undying imprint for …
Oh, to be but emptier, lowlier, Mean, unnoticed and unknown, And to God a vessel holier, Filled with Christ, and Christ alone, Naught of earth to cloud the glory, Naught of self the light to dim, Tellin…
SCOTLAND LANARKSHIRE This summer’s effort was centred on the small assemblies at Chapelhall and Coatbridge, helped by others in the county systematically taking responsibility for open air preaching and…
A BRIEF HISTORY The work of Harvest Fields began in 1960. It arose out of the concern of a number of brethren in the Belfast area of N. Ireland to promote a deeper interest in missionary work. At that t…
Question Is attendance at the meetings of the local assembly essential or optional? Answer There are so many attractions and pressures impinging on Christians today that many seem to find it difficult, …
From John’s witness to Jesus we turn to consider Jesus’ witness to John. The Lord Jesus was always warm in His appreciation of any service rendered to Him but sparing in His eulogies. John, however, was…
Read the psalm through first, and then keep your Bible open so that you can refer to it as you read this article. The Scripture references are given so that you may read them for yourself. This will hel…
Let us set the stage by noting that in so-called Christendom, including evangelical circles, we are surrounded by many unconverted people who say they believe in Jesus Christ. We have met drunks on the …
This third article in this series on stewardship and accountability now considers the spiritual principles and specific accountabilities that apply in the service of God, in respect of relationships wit…
If the present generation thinks about angels at all, it is in the sense of beautiful winged beings dressed in white. However, the New Testament highlights a totally different perspective on this subjec…
Some names and titles of the Son of God It is interesting to trace the mention of this wonderful, title of our Lord Jesus Christ. A unique significance attaches to the Lord as Son of man, as He Himself …
Chapter 2 – The word controlling the servants SUBJECT MATTER VV. 1- 2 The Circumstances of Their ServiceTheir Entrance The Intimacy of the Saints ………………………….… ‘know’ … ‘ye know' The Intensity of the Suf…
This is the only private letter of the apostle Paul still in existence and, although it is pithy, it is a masterpiece of courtesy and diplomacy. The Pastoral Epistles, e.g. the epistles to Timothy and T…
Book Reviews in this Issue
By Eryl Davies; 256pp, £7.95. Published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North Industrial Estate, Darlington DL3 0PH. ISBN: 085234-423-6. Every believer in Christ looks ahead, with glad a…

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