Articles for the Issue –

2001 Volume 56 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
LORD, THOU hast set us amid unresting change.Day follows night; season, season; year, year; not one the same, nor yet our part in any: centuries, eras pass, none like the last; nature herself is servant…
For many people, overseas missionary work is considered exciting and out of the ordinary, whereas similar work in the homeland does not seem quite so special. Sadly, this disparity filters through to su…
In reading the accounts of the ministry and life of the Lord Jesus, a paradox seems to confront us. As His sufferings ended on the cross, He cried, ‘Finished!’. This sounds final. But the record of Acts…
EIRE David and Kay Stevens have used the summer opportunities to preach the gospel many times and are grateful to the Lord for the frequent openings this has provided to speak in depth to people about s…
Abraham Lincoln once commented, ‘Surely God would not have created such a being as man … to exist only for a day! No, no; Man was made for immortality'1. Hope occupies a crucial place in the lives of in…
Today, the followers of Islam number about one billion and it is the majority religion in over fifty countries. These include the nations of North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, including some …
It could be that you have stood breathless upon the high crag of a cliff, resting for a moment and peering out into the vast openness in front of you. Your eyes find themselves drawn to the broad, ferti…
During 1859, a great time of revival in the preaching of the gospel gave rise to blessing which spread from Ireland to Scotland, and many souls were saved. This led to the formation of the assemblies in…
NAAMAN AND HIS NEW TESTAMENT COUNTERPART 2 Kings 5. 1-14; Luke 4. 27-29; 5. 12-13 He stood on the bank of the river Jordan, dripping wet. At that moment there was nothing to suggest that this was the g…
Of the greatness of John the Baptist there is no question. The Lord Himself, who was always sparing in His eulogies, said of John, ‘Among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John th…
Before you read this article just STOP! – Take a moment or two, and ask yourself the following questions:- What does it mean to me to be in fellowship in a local assembly? Where does the life and activ…
Question What do we do if another Christian wrongs us? Answer There is no doubt that the giving and receiving of forgiveness is one of the most precious things in this world. After quarrels, so often bi…
Job thought that God was deliberately targeting him in his misfortunes. He had been ‘at ease’, and enjoying his prosperity and the respect of his contemporaries, ‘But now’, he says, things are so differ…
Book Reviews in this Issue
160pp. £5.95, published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North Industrial Estate, Darlington, D13 0PH. ISBN 0-85234-418-X The style of Mark’s writing in this shortest of the gospels is ma…
(in the series, Living Classics for Today). 160pp. £6.95/U.S. $12.99, published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North Industrial Estate, Darlington, DL3 0PH. ISBN 0-85234-438-4 This rece…
184pp. Published by Gospel Folio Press, P.O. Box 2041, Grand Rapids, MI 49501 - 2041. Available from John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock KA3 1RH. (ISBN 1-882701-62- 3) This challenging book pr…

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