Articles for the Issue –

2000 Volume 55 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
Brass Tacks is a faith venture set up in the UK to offer practical and technical help to assist missionaries and others involved in the Lord’s work at home and abroad. Since 1986 our volunteers have com…
The Book of Ecclesiastes describes Solomon’s search for the meaning of life, by his own unaided intellect and apart from divine revelation. His conclusion was that life is vanity and as futile as chasin…
As the first year of the third millennium comes to its end, many will reflect on whether their expectations have found fulfilment. At the beginning, everything was centred in the Millennium – the Millen…
EIRE The annual Postal Bible School holiday week, conducted by Noel and Liza McMeekin, and held in Avoca, was attended by one hundred and two of the students, two of whom professed faith in the Lord Jes…
Question How can a young Christian begin to witness for the Lord? Answer If there is one thing lacking today in Christian circles it is obedience to the command to ‘do the work of an evangelist’, 2 Tim.…
Ugly events have stained the pages of world history. Exploding out of wrong attitudes, these misfortunes alter society’s order, and often hinder the development of the individual’s personal life. There …
Recently, in discussing a scriptural matter with a younger man, he heatedly stated, ‘You think you are right and others are wrong’. He was correct in believing that I thought I was right on this matter …
NAMES AND TITLES OF THE SON OF GOD The precious names given to the Lord Jesus in God’s word express His person, purposes, power and pre-eminence. Names are little more than a means of identification in …
Exactly when a local group of Christians started meeting together in Neston, is not known. But what is known is that a certain Mr. John Edridge, the owner of Pockeridge House, held meetings in his drawi…
The Mormon Church still has strong political influence in the state of Utah in the U.S.A. It owns the second largest financial institution west of the Mississippi, ‘The Beneficial Life Insurance Company…
The previous article outlined the background to the coming of the Son of man (‘The Scene’) This third, and concluding, article suggests a possible order of events both for the coming itself (‘The Sequen…
‘Take this child away, and nurse it for me’, Exod. 2. 9. All the sons of the Israelites were condemned to die by Pharoah’s order. For three months, Moses’ parents had hidden him. ‘They were not afraid …
Book Reviews in this Issue
314pp, £9.90, published by Walterick Publishers (U.S.A.) and available from Muasdale Evangelical Books, Siavonga House, Muasdale, By Tarbert, Argyll, PA29 6XD. There is an enigmatic quality about the …
210pp. £6.95, published by John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock KA3 1RH. (ISBN 0-946351-88-0). In recent years, many Christians have become uneasy of mind as reports have filtered through of th…

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