Articles for the Issue –

2000 Volume 55 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
‘In surroundings as nearly perfect as wealth and refinement could make them, a number of Christian families lived in the pleasant suburb, as it was in those days. Rooms, beautifully furnished, opened on…
We stand on the threshold of the third millennium. 2000 A.D. in the year of our Lord. What are we saying? That about 2000 years have passed since the coming of the Saviour into a world such as ours. We …
NORTHERN IRELAND ANTRIM A number of unsaved were attending gospel meetings held at Ahoghill when R. McKeown and W. Martin were there. Some have been saved through the witness in the portable hall at Doo…
Introduction Recently an avante-garde artist was interviewed. She said, ‘My art comes from my angst’. Angst is a pervasive, almost inexplicable anxiety or fear which can envelop lives, and if not dealt …
Question Should believers celebrate Christmas? Answer This question perhaps arises in a believer’s mind because the celebration of Christmas in today’s Western society has been degraded, and is seemingl…
As we enter ‘by the grace of God’ into the 21st century, we cannot help but think of the fact that two Millennia have passed since the coming of our Lord to the earth. Almost two thousand years have com…
It was incredible to read that in the early 1990s a lady gave up her £150 per day job in the City of London, to take up work at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland for £75 per month! Findhorn was the fi…
This is an extract from the first issue of Precious Seed, Vol.1 No.1, September 1945 Our little island has, of late, been very much like Palestine was in the early days of Christianity wherein folk of …
Church history is filled with inspiring accounts of great men and women of God. Pioneer missionaries, fearless evangelists, giants of exposition, sacrificing servants, all lift us to a higher plane in s…
Question Why doesn’t the Bible tell us exactly when the Lord will return? Answer When the disciples asked the Lord a question concerning the future restoration of Israel, ‘Lord, wilt thou at this time r…
Book Reviews in this Issue
Published by and available from Precious Seed Publications, P.O. Box 8, Neath, West Glamorgan, UK. £7.95. ISBN 1871642 14 0. Available in North America from Gospel Folio Press, P.O. Box 2041, Grand Rapi…
456pp, published by Gospel Folio Press, P.O. Box 2041, Grand Rapids MI 49501-2041, USA. Available in the U.K. from John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH. (ISBN 1-882701-53-4). The title…

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