Articles for the Issue –

1999 Volume 54 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
On the 17th May, 1881, Oxford University Press published the Revised Edition of the New Testament which was awaited by the public with great interest and one million copies were sold in that one day! Sp…
I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some’, Cow 1. 9. 22. Paul’s heart desire was to win the lost for Christ. The lost, whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free, were all to be re…
Many mothers are mentioned in the Bible, ranging from Eve ‘the mother of all living’, Gen. 3. 20, to the two mystical and symbolic mothers of the book of the Revelation chapters 12 and 17. Among the nob…
Why is the Bible, a book written thousands of years ago, still relevant today? Because it contains universal principles that apply to everyone regardless of circumstances. God actually caused the writer…
All quotations are from the New King James Version. INTRODUCTION Israel was, yet again, in spiritual decline; Eli was High Priest, his sons were corrupt and the ‘lamp of God had almost gone out’, 1 Sam.…
THE TITLE OF HIS COMINGThe title ‘The Son of Man’, when used of and by the Lord Jesus, usually has the article. It is first used in connection with His coming in glory to reign over the earth in Daniel …
The problems of the world today are greater than they have ever been in the past, yet all ate symptomatic of one basic disease: sin. A state of revolt is found in almost every sphere of society, and law…

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