Articles for the Issue –

1996 Volume 51 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
Very often as Christians, we use words to describe experiences, without consideration of their full practical meaning. Sadly, this can rob the values of Christian living of their power. One such word wh…
In every matter which involves the saints and their responsible conduct in relation to the things of God, we will find our blessed Lord Himself to be the perfect model of it. This is because in His own …
The gifts of the Spirit have been misunderstood and even misrepresented to such an extent that this whole area of truth has become confused in some quarters. This article attempts to set out some of the…
The NeedIn this age of moral bankruptcy, when there is unprecedented apathy and materialism, when men and women are as the Bible describes, ‘lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasph…
IntroductionWorship is a word generally used to describe religious practices, and has relevance to what is done by individual persons, or companies of people, who follow a particular faith, it might be …

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