Articles for the Issue –

1996 Volume 51 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
In considering this particular statement by our Lord Jesus to His disciples, we should reflect for a moment on the basic purpose of a door. A door has a two-fold function – to keep out unwanted people o…
Obedience has to be learned. Disobedience is part of human nature, inherited from Adam. Paul taught that ‘as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners’, Rom. 5. 19. He contrasted this with the ob…
In Proverbs 30. 29-31, we read of four things which are ‘comely in going’. These remind us of the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are:1. The Lion.2. The Greyhound, or Horse.3. The He-goat.4. The U…
Impending DeathThe quiet, solemn air of impending death marks some churches today. The people gather quietly, find their customary seats and wait for the service to begin. Most are middle-aged or elderl…
It is only just over 200 years since William Carey set out for India from Northamptonshire ‘expecting great things’ and ‘attempting great things’ for God. Although a fresh awakening in missionary intere…
1. IntroductionIn this meditation we find ourselves at the feet of the Lord Jesus as He is giving His last instructions to His own before His passion and death on the cross. The disciples are going to n…
In whatever measure people may look to themselves for their hope of salvation they are filled with doubts and fears. But the great purpose of scripture is to direct our attention to the Person of the So…

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