Articles for the Issue –

1995 Volume 50 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
‘Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven’, Matt. 6. 10. This prayer longs for the consummation of the complex course of history which began with the creation of the heavens and t…
Gold has always been important to man. His civilisations and empires of the past waxed and waned according to its availability. From the ancient civilisation of Ur through to the modern day, gold has ne…
The censer was a copper bowl used for carrying coals and for burning incense, hence the word ‘censer’. It was used in Old Testament days by the High Priest to carry incense into the holiest of all on hi…
The Glories of Solomon’s reign were apparent to all. They were exemplified in the buildings he erected and were advertised in various attachments to his person that betokened enormous wealth and influen…
Zechariah chapter 6 verses 9 to 13 is a passage that is full of interest and importance in connection with the future of the nation of Israel. It records the crowning of Joshua the High Priest at the ti…
There are many ways of approaching a study of the seven golden lampstands of Revelation 2 and 3. The present article suggests seven such ways. 1. We can consider the order in which the messages to the c…

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