Articles for the Issue –

1995 Volume 50 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
In Proverbs 30. 24-28, we read of four things which are little but wise. These would be reminders of the position which we enjoy in our Lord Jesus Christ. They are: 1. The Ants that Prepare. 2. The Coni…
The events record in Numbers chapter 25 are a sad record of the departure of the children of Israel from the ways of the Lord. One of the Israelites emerged with considerable credit as a result of his p…
AssuranceThose who deny that believers are now justified by the blood of Christ as a gift, are those who deny the grace of God. They also deny the assurance of salvation, for if one’s own works, in any …
There is an increasing tendency, even among evangelicals, to view The Song of Solomon as simply a love story concerning Solomon and a Shulammite maiden. However, in the past many respected bible teacher…
As we look at the life of King David we see a man that God greatly used for His own purposes. He was a man who lived very close to God and because of that through his pen we have received many wonderful…
The will of God in our ServiceWe should all serve God: David did, in fact in doing so he ‘served his own generation by the will of God’, Acts 13. 36. There is ample scriptural evidence that each one of …

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