Articles for the Issue –

1994 Volume 45 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
Within the first chapter of Colossians these two words occur at least six times. These six are but a small sample of what scripture records of the ‘all things’ of Christ. Divine Power in Creation, Col. …
Exodus 3 describes Moses’ crucial encounter with the living God. The day began like any other. He had no reason to expect it to be different. Forty years earlier he had fled from Egypt as a rebel prince…
C.H. Mackintosh wrote of Leviticus 18-20; ‘This section sets before us, in a very remarkable manner, the personal sanctity and moral propriety which Jehovah looked for on the part of those whom He had g…
In many New Testament assemblies throughout the world there has often existed a problem of internal disunity stemming not from clear doctrinal differences but from purely natural and temperamental diffe…
The New Age Movement (referred to as NAM throughout this article) is said to be the fastest growing belief system in America, There it has infiltrated deeply into the education system and received great…
There are seven references to the river of Egypt in the Old Testament; six concerning the extent of Israel’s dominion and one the extent of Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest, 2 Kgs. 24. 7. The expression ‘river…

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