Articles for the Issue –

1993 Volume 44 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
Chapter 16 of Leviticus is the main source of information in scripture about the Day of Atonement; chapter 17, which deals with the sanctity of blood, is indirectly related to it. Atonement is not a New…
Three times in the New Testament, we read expressions concerning our Lord, that He loved, and gave Himself. These are found in Galatians 2. 20, Ephesians 5. 2, and Ephesians 5. 26-28. It is interesting …
The True Scriptures can become false to a reader if that reader falsely interprets the scriptures. This is a danger we must all beware of. While opinions may differ regarding prophecies concerning the f…
In the last verses of the epistle we see three partnerships between i) Paul and Philemon, ii) Paul and Onesimus, and iii) Philemon and Onesimus. 1. ReceptionPaul suggests that Philemon should recall tha…
IntroductionThere are often serious misunderstandings about the doctrine of perfection. It is often confused with the idea of complete sinlessness, especially as the latter has been seen as a condition …
Leaving the fellowship of one’s home assembly and going away to pursue one’s education, can be one of life’s most testing experiences for a young believer. It is a time when temptations of a moral, worl…
Luke 15. 11-32 unfolds the third section of a three-part parable, the familiar story of the prodigal son’s departure from and return to his father’s house, and of the reception he finally received there…

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