Articles for the Issue –

1993 Volume 44 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
In Leviticus 26, the Lord gives the promises for obedience, and the warning of the consequences of disobedience. These are prefaced by a reminder of three fundamental principles that must govern their c…
Chapters 11-15 deal with the sensitive area of cleanliness. In our culture we do not easily discuss some of the areas that come into view here. The Hebrews looked at them in a more uninhibited way. Food…
‘… pray for us, that the WORD of the LORD may have free course and be glorified’, 2 Thess. 3. 1. Many evangelists today, while making use of the many open doors to the gospel that are often there, are c…
His Call The call of Matthew is one of the strange things that happened when our Lord walked through this world. Luke 5. 27 says ‘he went forth, and saw a publican, called Levi, (Matthew) sitting at the…
In this section of the letter Paul at last introduces the name of Onesimus, which means ‘profitable’. He has delayed doing so until the atmosphere is right and the sympathies of Philemon are aroused. We…
John chapter 2 describes two feasts, a wedding feast at Cana and a Passover feast at Jerusalem. The first was a local event and the second was a national one. The presence of the Lord Jesus proved cruci…
How precious are the words of Christ to His disciples in the upper room, and prior to His departure from them, as recorded in John 14. 1-3. What a comfort they have been to many since the day they were …

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