Articles for the Issue –

1990 Volume 41 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
The same mistake which proved so fatal to the Jews, proves equally fatal to many who pretend to call themselves Christians. Ignorant alike of the divine character and their own, they build their hope of…
Introduction ‘… with God nothing shall be impossible’, Luke 1. 37. At the beginning of the year it is good to give thanks for the past. It is also good to seek inspiration and hope in prayer for the fut…
In the first instance, grace is that principle, in contrast to demand as exemplified by the law, on which God has acted, and continues to act, towards mankind. Many passages in the New Testament illustr…
It is interesting that in Deuteronomy 33, when Moses is speaking of the blessing of Joseph, he says that he handled ‘the precious things of heaven’. Similarly Jacob, in Genesis 49, in blessing his sons …
It is the dark background of the context that enhances the brilliance of the glory of these verses. Therefore when [Judas] was gone out…’ - out into the night of that most wicked deed. We can almost see…
Surely they must have misheard him? ‘Expedient for you that I go away’. How could that be? Surely He said ‘Expedient for Me’. That would be intelligible. It might be well for Him to exchange that life o…
How to interpret the sermon on the mount has given rise to much disagreement among bible teachers. Some regard it as a summary of Matthew’s gospel, others as basically moralistic dissertation. Those of …
It is well known and recognized that we can learn spiritual lessons from homely, everyday things and events. The Lord Himself often used homely analogies to teach great spiritual truths, e.g. the new wi…
The Prayer for the Spirit. ‘I will pray the Father’. John 14. 16 The Promise of the Spirit. ‘He shall give you’. …
It has never been an easy matter to ‘fear the Lord’ amidst growing evil and unbelief. Modern experience confirms this and Malachi’s day must have been an extreme illustration of it. There must have been…

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