Articles for the Issue –

1989 Volume 40 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
‘Rabbi’, Nicodemus brcam, though he did not really believe that Jesus was a Rabbi. After all, He held no licence to preach from the high priest. He had not been to the schools. But He was a teacher, so …
Circumstances bkyond our control are not beyond God’s control, in fact not only do ‘all things work together for good’, Rom 8. 28, to them that love Him, but also, the things that happen to us if we ser…
Introduction ’the word of God is not bound’, 2 Tim. 2. 9. The above words were written from prison, in the context of the apostle’s experience of the limitations brought by suffering. Physically and me…
To the Epicureans life was considered to be a matter of chance, while to the Stoics it was to be governed by a relentless fate. It was, therefore, man’s lot to be resigned to either chance or fate, a vi…
In the gospel of John we are told on five occasions concerning our Lord that ‘his hour had not yet come’, cf. 8.20, and in the same gospel we are also told on five occasions that ‘the hour is come’, cf.…
From Abraham to David As time went on, Abraham had no son, though he had the promise that God would make of him a great nation, and that all families of the earth would be blessed in him, Gen. 12. 3. E…

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