Articles for the Issue –

1988 Volume 39 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
Our title was suggested by a verse of CENTRA Thompson’s hymn which gripped our hearts during the Lord’s Supper recently. The words arc familiar to many of us: Every mark of dark dishonour Heaped upon th…
After the death of solomon, the tragic dividing of the kingdom took place in 930 bc under Rehoboam. A young revolutionary activist called Jeroboam led the revolt. Ten of the twelve tribes of Israel foll…
In dealing with Jeremiah chapters 1, 24, 26 and 28 we arc able to observe the following. Calling Jeremiah was set over nations and kingdoms, when he was only a youth, and called to be a prophet though…
Northern Ireland have a report from Jirn Graham, BelfasT, concerning the wurk in various parts. It is good to be reminded oi gospel posters displayed on fourteen of the city of Belfast buses. These cons…
It is with sorrow that we record the recent homecall of our beloved brother and fellow-worker. Coming on to the Committee of Precious Seed in 1966 he fulfilled the role of Secretary for many years, unti…
As NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVERS living in the age of God’s sovereign grace in Christ and the presence on earth of (he Holy Spirit, we are far more privileged, and therefore more responsible to God, than beli…
In OLD testament times God commanded all Hebrew males (acting on behalf of their wives and families) to meet Him at the appointed place, i.e. at the tabernacle or finally the temple at Jerusalem-three t…
Those who are zealous in the so-called ecumenical movement, and who have established a World Council of Churches, make much of the prayer of the Lord Jesus to His Father, ‘that they all may be one’, and…
The Epistle to Philemon can be viewed analytically in the following way: The Date The Epistle was written at the same time as the letter to the Colossians, namely, AD 62. The Circumstances Onesimus, a s…
Book Reviews in this Issue
Gospel Tract Publications, Glasgow, xiii + 376 pp. £3.95 + p. & p. As the title suggests the author has sought to provide more than a book of daily devotional thoughts. It is obvious that this vol…

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