Articles for the Issue –

1988 Volume 39 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
Matthew and mark both record that Jesus was ‘transfigured’ in the presence of Peter, James and John. ‘Transfigured’ comes from the Greek metamorphoo, from which metamorphosis is derived and which occurs…
In the loxg period of time between the conquest of the land under Joshua and the establishing of the monarchy, there is comparatively little mention of sacrifice and worship in Israel. The David and Sol…
‘Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it’, Ps. 127, 1. Much thuught and concern is centred today on the matter of building. We are told that we are experiencing a building ‘bo…
Our lord, in submitting to the Father’s will, also yielded to the injustices and violence inflicted upon Him by hostile men. We must also learn submission if we would be like Him. This is an important p…
‘Be Your MASTER! Make your own decisions! Do your own thing! Don’t be the slave of another!’ Ever since Adam sinned in the garden of Eden men have wanted liberty to rule their own lives-and they will pa…
If there were ant intention to rivet the attention of the reader on an outstanding verse of Scripture (amongst the many which are beyond the capability of the human mind fully to take in) John 1.1 would…
In the epistle to the Romans the apostle Paul outlines the great doctrines of the gospel. He had heard of the faith of believers at Rome and it would seem for many years had felt a longing desire to vis…
Our meditation in this article is based on Matthew 18. 15-20, We are all familiar with verse 20, and it is constantly on our tips as we come together in church fellowship, but it is likely that we do no…

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