Articles for the Issue –

1988 Volume 39 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
When preachers are dealing with the circumstances surrounding the crucifixion of our Lord, they are, generally speaking, commendatory of the women followers of Christ, and condemnatory of the men; and n…
"Behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” Rev. 3.8. In this short message to the Phila-delphian church, we can see two important features of evangelism. There is divine sovre…
One can well remember as a child, attempting to form a mentai picture of the scene suggested by the chorus “If Jesus came to your house, I wonder what you’d do”. With the passing of years the house has …
False Teachers, 1. 10-16 The need for a teaching gift among the elders in Crete was clear. There were different factions in error among the believers, the worst being a Judaic group teaching circumcisio…
In the Jewish calendar there were two days in the year that stood out more prominently than all the rest. One was the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month; the other was the Day of Atonemen…
"This day shall be unto you for a memorial”, Ex. 12. 14. “This do in remembrance of me”, 1 Cor. 11. 24, 25. The annual observance of the Passover was commanded by God to keep always before His people th…
The word Amen is probably heard and used as much, if not more, than any other word in religious circles around the world. Its setting and expression in Scripture is of real meaning and instruction, and …
This second article deals with the subject of the presence of God with His people, together with some of the practical implications of God’s presence- both universal and special. The first article concl…
Book Reviews in this Issue
19 pages. Obtainable from the author, 42 Huia Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland. N.Z. Within the compass of these few pages the author has stated in a remarkable way valid truth regarding the perils and evil…
A New Exposition of the Third Gospel, by David Gooding. £5.95. Inter-Varsity Press. 362 pages. This very readable exposition is divided into two major sections described as “The Coming”, covering Chs.…
A New Exposition of the Third Gospel, by David Gooding. £5.95. Inter-Varsity Press. 362 pages. This very readable exposition is divided into two major sections described as “The Coming”, covering Chs.…
£1.60. Plus 20p post. 56 pages. Published by Every Day Publications. With all that is being taught about our Lord Jesus Christ today, the truths centred around His Person and Work cannot too often be …
£1.40. Plus 20p post. 48 pages. Published by Every Day Publications. We commend this book for its conciseness and comprehensiveness. It deals in a practical way, through twelve chapters, with New Test…

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