Articles for the Issue –

1987 Volume 38 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
"Knowing the time, that it is now high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Rom. 13. 11. “Toil on and in thy toil rejoice: For toil comes rest, for exile h…
LEONARD CAVEOur brother, and able Secretary for many years has now reluctantly relinquished his long association with the magazine. We would take this opportunity to record our appreciation of his dedic…
All Second Epistles are punctuated with caution, admonition, instruction and preparation in view of anticipated or actual departure from the ways of God. Equally evident in all is the spiritual discernm…
Part 1: w. 1-20 Ingeneral, the Apostle’s argument that all the world is under the judgement of God is here concluded v. 19. In particular, it is demonstrated that the Jews, despite their many advantage…
The Epistle to Titus has much to teach us about both writer and recipient. It is also relevant to our situations today. Although mainly practical and pastoral, each chapter of the letter contains a nota…
There can be no doubt in reading these verses, as to what Spirit the Apostle is referring. In the preceding verses of the chapter he has spoken of the Spirit several times, vv. 5, 16, 17, 18, and he ref…
Portrayed by Mark Key words: Ch. 10. 45; 12. 6. INTRODUCTION 1. 1-13 HIS COMINGPersonality v. 1; Promised vv. 2, 3; Prepared for vv. 4, 5.Accepted v. 9; Approved vv. 10, 11; Attacked w. 12, 13. 1. HIS G…
The Non-Savour Offerings. The Sin and Trespass Offerings. The Sin Offering. Lev. 4; 5. 1-13; 6. 24-30.The sweet-savour offerings, the burnt, meal and peace offerings were for the worshipper. We must rec…
Scripture speaks of the “presence” of God in two distinct senses: on the one hand there is His general, universal presence and, on the other hand, there are the various special manifestations of His pre…

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