Articles for the Issue –

1986 Volume 37 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
In the sermon on the mount, the Lord Jesus said of His disciples, “Ye are the salt of the earth”, Matt. 5.13. It is not God’s purpose to remove them from this earthly scene, but to leave them in it as a…
It is the nature of God to love, and this has been His nature from eternity. As God’s love is eternal, and divine love must have had someone to love through eternity, It is not difficult to see here the…
"Jesus Christ the same…for ever” Heb. 13. 8. Northern Ireland. The gospel continues to be preached in various places all over the North. It is interesting to note how wide an area these reports cover. A…
A MESSAGE OF RECOVERY AND DETERMINATION, 2. 10-19. This fourth message has to do with cleansing and blessing. It is a corrective message on responsibility; right conduct is important to God. This severe…
In a day when men value the weight of public opinion, the voice of the majority, the pressure of influence, etc., it is very refreshing to turn to the Word of God and find someone like the apostle John …
There are a number of Greek words used in the New Testament which are compounds of the verb phileo: "I love”. One such is the noun philanthrd-pia, which is a compound of phileo and anthropos, "man”. Hen…
Following the title of this article, Hebrews 10. 25 continues, “as the manner of some is; but exhorting …”. Why do we gather together as an assembly of God’s people? Why do we practise totally different…
In the previous article, we considered Paul’s assertion that the “citizenship” of the Christian lies in heaven. At the close of verse 20, the apostle turns our attention away from even heaven itself to …
Having dealt with the elevated truth of the counsel, purpose and will of God, stretching from the eternal past to the eternal future, Paul writes, “Wherefore”. Such truth must lead to the practical exer…
In previous articles in this section of the magazine, we have dealt with some damaging evils which the young Christian should avoid. It has been argued that the wise course for the believer is to avoid …
Book Reviews in this Issue
Available from Mr. C. B. Pamment, 11 Russell Baron Road, Foraham St. Martin, Suffolk IP31 1TA. The absolute indissolubility of marriage is often challenged today, but here is a helpful booklet that pr…
(hard cover). What the Bible Teaches. 1. Thessalonians, by T. E. Wilson; 2. Thessalonians, by T. W. Smith; 1. Timothy, by J. Allen; 2 Timothy, by J. R. Baker, and Titus, by D. West. Published by J. Ritc…

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