Articles for the Issue –

1985 Volume 36 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
In God’s purpose, the nation of Israel was meant to be His possession, separated from the nations and enclosed by His laws which were unique only to them, “the law of commandments contained in ordinance…
"Men ought always to pray”, Luke 18. 1; “Pray without ceasing”, 1 Thess. 5. 17. But we become so easily discouraged if we cannot see answers to our hearts’ entreaties. Then let us see from the Word of G…
When we give something to someone else, it does not usually fall upon us to guard that thing afterwards! However, with God things are different. In John 17. 23,24, the Lord Jesus speaks of the love that…
I do not ask That crowds so throng the gatherings That standing room be at a price! I only ask that as I voice His message They may see Christ. I do not ask For ritual, pomp or pageant, Or music such as…
Chapter One. Indolence, Instruction, Inspiration. Haggai is not known out-side Ezra and this book. He was a prophet working in conjunction with Zechariah. His name means, “My feast” or “Festive”, and ma…
The second occurrence of the term “little children” in the Epistle, 2. 12, reminds us again of what is true of all the family. The simplicity and solitary dignity of the statement should delight us. “I …
As is well known, the Gospel of Mark presents the Lord Jesus as God’s perfect Servant. God chose a servant who failed, Acts 13. 5, 13, and later recovered, 2 Tim. 4. 11, to write of the Servant who neve…
God’s Perfect Work is the Rock, his work is per- fect”, Deut. 32. 4. God’s Perfect Way “As for God, his way is perfect”, 2 Sam. 22. 31. God’s Perfect Word law of the Lord is perfect”, Psa. 19. 7. God’s …
All the Epistles have their own distinctive messages. They contain strands of doctrine, correction and exhortation, each being relevant to the needs of the churches and individuals to whom they were wri…
This ARTICLE is written with two distinct groups of young Christians in mind. First, there are those who have to fate the question, “Which company of Christians should I join?”. This issue is particular…

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