Articles for the Issue –

1985 Volume 36 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
Two statements in Exodus 12 appear contradictory, the one says categorically “There shall no stranger eat there-of (that is, of the passover)”, whilst the other states “when a stranger shall sojourn wit…
"They went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them”. Mark 16. 20. The beginning of a new year gives opportunity for reflection as we consider the challenge that service for the Lord br…
With this paper we arrive at the third main section of the book: In the Plains of Moab, and the Prospects and Division of the Land, 22. 2 to 36. 13. The chapters now to be considered describe the charac…
In the third chapter the apostle firstly takes the Philippians back to what he has brought before them of the Lord in chapter 2. The wonders of the humility of the Lord in His not looking to His undoubt…
Wiz may analyse the chapter as follows: 1. The rich and their doom, vv. 1-6. 2. The remnant and their deliverance, vv. 7-12. 3. The restored and their demands, vv. 13-20. 1. The Rich and Their Doom, vv.…
We have considered, all too briefly, the superlative majesty of Christ in His earthly kingdom. In the conclusion of our studies, let us now bring to heart and mind some of the matchless splendours of Ch…
The Lord Jesus Christ spoke eight times from the cross. Three times He prayed, addressing Himself twice to His Father and once to His God. Three times He addressed people, speaking to His mother, to Joh…
Some of our readers may take the magazine Bible League Quarterly, but others will also be interested in this volume which contains a selection of over 100 articles that have appeared in the magazine dur…
"Gambling” usually consists in the betting or staking of something of value on the outcome of a game or contest. It normally involves three things:- a consciousness of risk, a hope of gain, and a likeli…

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