Articles for the Issue –

1984 Volume 35 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
The expression “bought with a price” occurs twice in Paul’s first canonical letter to the Corinthians; viz. 1 Cor. 6. 20; 7. 23. It is generally agreed that the phrase has as its background the procedur…
Added to the personal, official and moral glories of Christ, are “the glories that should follow”, 1 Pet. 1. 11 R.V., the word “glories” being plural. It is of deep instruction to note that the Greek no…
“Neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase”, 1 Cor. 3. 7. As this report goes to press the busy summer months are over. There have been many who ha…
This chapter may be sectionalized thus: Exposure to vice, vv. 1-6. Exhortation to virtue, vv. 7-17. 1. Exposure to Vice, vv. 1-6 It should be remembered that this letter has in view both believers and…
“He knew not that the Lord had departed from him.” This is an inspired comment, made about a man who might have done many more exploits for God, Judges 16. 20 lit. Samson had enjoyed great privileges. H…
The section we shall now consider deals with the events leading to the final stage of the journey to Canaan and the encampment in the plains of Moab. Murmuring at Meribah, 20. 1-21 Once more the people …
Following a summer holiday in a Christian Guest House at which the proprietor, drawing the attention of the guests to the Philippian Epistle, gave some excellent thoughts from it, the present writer’s t…
In telling his sons what should befall them in the last days, Jacob made reference to the name Shiloh when speaking to Judah. Since no explanation was given, it seems probable that this particular desig…

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