Articles for the Issue –

1984 Volume 35 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
The church, which Christ announced He would build, is pictured in many ways in the New Testament. This article covers the aspect of “the Bride”. To form part of this “Bride”, an individual must have a p…
There are five New Testament verses upon which we shall comment in this paper: Luke 3. 14; Phil. 4. 11; 1 Tim. 6. 6; 6. 8; Heb. 13. 5. 1. Contentment with Wages, Luke 3. 14 According to this chapter, Jo…
“Whereas thou has prayed to me …” Isaiah 37. 21 In this unfinished sentence which is part of a word from Isaiah the prophet to Hezekiah the king, we have the secret of God’s intervention in the circumst…
The Glories of Christ are fourfold: His Eternal, Personal Glory. His Official Glory, of Deity in the Godhead. His Moral Glory, shining out in His Humanity. His Added Glory, flowing out from His Pathway…
This chapter divides itself into two sections: The tongue and its fruit, vv. 1-12. The wisdom which is from above in contrast to that which is earthly, vv. 13-18. 1. The Tongue and its Fruit, vv. 1-12…
In this paper we shall consider Repetitions, Regulations and Reminders, ch. 15; Rebellion and Retribution, ch. 16; Recognition and Responsibility of priesthood, ch. 17 and 18; and Removal of Impurity, c…
Readers are acquainted with this passage, and our exercise is to share a few thoughts concerning our Lord which are treasured by many, however much His deity, the incarnation, and the perfection of His …
In the first article we outlined God’s chosen method for guiding His people today. We saw that this consisted in the application of Christian values and standards to the factors which affect our situati…
These words are the marginal rendering of the last phrase of Exodus 26. 5 in the Newberry Bible. Perhaps they seem odd or quaint, and yet they have very significant meaning. The author had the privilege…
Holiness and Wrath God is holy, Lev. 19. 2; Isa. 6. 3; 1 Pet. 1. 16; Rev. 4. 8. He is “of purer eyes than to behold evil”, Hab. 1. 13, and “a consuming fire”, Deut. 4. 24; Heb. 12. 29. Old Testament pro…

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