Articles for the Issue –

1983 Volume 34 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
Young believers need to be clearly warned today against several religious sects which masquerade as Christian and yet, in reality, are nothing of the kind. Quite likely you will come into contact with m…
“Then cometh the devil”, Luke 8. 12. The months of the year covered by this report are of necessity times of much sowing of the seed. Evangelists are busy. Yet often, in terms of fruitfulness, the amoun…
The previous article dealt largely with a Jew’s preconversion opinion of Jehovah’s Servant. Now we go on to consider his (b) Postconversion Experience, vv. 5-10. The Jew had not been wrong in regarding …
There are certain expressions in the Scriptures which, by reason of familiarity, often lose much of their impact. Take for instance the oft-repreated expression “Jesus Christ our Lord”, Rom. 6. 11, 23. …
W. E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (pages 210-211) lists five verbs (and an adjective linked with one of them) which the Authorized Version sometimes translates “commend” or “reco…
The second sphere in which Peter enjoins submission is working life, 2. 18-25. The relationship between master and servant is normal in human life, and it might be called an “ordinance of man”, 2. 13. H…

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