Articles for the Issue –

1983 Volume 34 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
The Head of all creation, Who once this earth has trod, Head over every nation, As Man; in essence God. Here, though from men’s sight hidden,His Glory always shone, Light shines in Him, unbidden, The h…
“Herein is love”, 1 John 4. 10. “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world”, 1 John 4. 14. Involvement is a word that springs readily to our minds today, and often rolls easily off our tong…
Isaiah 52. 13 to 53. 12 comprises the last of Isaiah’s four so-called “Servant Songs”, cf. 42. 1-4; 49. 1-6; 50. 4-9. That Messiah is the subject of the passage can be established in at least two ways. …
1. The Question Explained This question concerns two different kinds of interpretation of the Scriptures which predict the second coming of Christ. ‘Premillennial’ is a theological term which derives fr…
With long years of a shepherd’s life behind him, David penned this beautiful Psalm, which has become one of the most beloved in the Psalter. In it, the shepherd-minstrel turns his attention upwards to t…
The outline of the purpose of God in the first part of this Epistle (see Precious Seed, 1972-1973) is intended not only to educate the minds of the people of God, but to guide their steps. What Peter ha…
In the previous article, we looked at the nature of the New Testament gift of tongues, coming to the conclusion that in all cases it was a public gift of foreign languages which was bestowed by the Holy…
As a teenager Daniel was taken captive to Babylon. In very difficult conditions and changing circumstances he remained faithful to God, and became an effective witness for Him in the corrupt court there…

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