Articles for the Issue –

1982 Volume 33 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
The apostle Peter in his first letter presents the Christian life in a series of clear cut portraits taken from social life, church life, public life, and natural life. Each picture considered adds to t…
In our first paper, we considered the breaking of bread in relation to spiritual priorities in the activity of a local assembly. We examined the scriptural authority for the practice of breaking bread, …
Faith links our souls with God. Abraham believed God, and following in the line of faith, we believe in the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this …
“I will give them an heart to know me”, Jer. 24. 7. “Lydia … whose heart the Lord opened”, Acts 16. 14. Two questions could be asked, as we seek to understand the work of God in human lives today. First…
This vile world will be purged and purified before the reign of Christ begins. All that are opposed to God will be rigorously removed. Drastic action, military and judicial, will speedily cleanse a corr…
In speaking of the study of the Scriptures it should be borne in mind that the following outline of my personal method of Bible study is intended to be descriptive rather than prescriptive. In other wor…
It is related in John 7. 46 that the officers sent to arrest the Lord returned to say, “Never man spake like this man” In company with the ordinary people who heard Him gladly and with surprise, they we…
The major divisions in the Epistles to the Thessalonians are marked by Paul’s use of two almost identical Greek expressions: “Loipon oun, adelphoi”, 1 Thess. 4. 1, and “To loipon adelphoi”, 2 Thess. 3. …
We shall study this passage from the point of view of the truth of obedience. Several times we read, “Ye shall keep the sabbath”, vv. 13, 14, 16. This phrase immediately brings before us the thought of …

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