Articles for the Issue –

1982 Volume 33 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
The first, and indeed one of the most essential blessings, is that of the forgiveness of sins. The glory and primary importance of this tends to be somewhat dimmed in our minds with the passage of time,…
In the early days of the church in Jerusalem, the new converts must have listened intently to the teaching of the apostles. Their first love for Christ, placed in redeemed hearts by the Holy Spirit, wou…
In the earlier article we considered an exhortation to give and, examples of giving. Now we will consider the exercise that giving involves, as seen in 2 Corinthians 8. This exercise lies not only with …
“While men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat”, Matt. 13. 25. “As if a man should…sleep… and the seed should spring and grow up. he knoweth not how”. Mark 4. 26, 27. These are thought…
In the history of education, the world has seen many great innovators, brilliant intellectuals, and daring pioneers, but surpassing them all stands the unique Person who exclaimed, “I am the way, the tr…
The following article has been abridged from a more detailed study, published in volume 7 of Mr Darby’s Collected Writings, pages 293-301 This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the author’s death,…
Chapter 14 of the prophecy of Zechariah presents a grim picture of Jerusalem under siege and penetration by the powerful forces of the king of the north and “all nations”. Not many days (it may be) prio…
We represent our God to the world as did Joseph and his father in their times What a solemn task! As the Lord Jesus was in the world, so are we, 1 John 4, 17, He is the standard, the faithful and true w…
In this passage, we have some searching and solemn principles that can be readily applied to the local assembly. The local assembly is the most precious thing that God has in any locality, and we do wel…

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