Articles for the Issue –

1981 Volume 32 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
In the first four verses of Philippians 4, Paul used three expressions which include the words “in the Lord”. Each expression refers back to something he had said in the preceding chapters and, in a sen…
In a recent issue (Jan. 1980) we considered the scriptural guidance for a church to reach a decision; yet it is just as important for each individual believer to discover the will of God and to do it. Y…
Keynote: “Rejoice in the Lord". Salutation and introduction, 1. 1-11 “Until the day of Jesus Christ”. Greetings, 1.1-2. Gratitude, 1. 3-5. Growth, 1.6-11. Christ and my actions, 1. 12-30 “For to me to f…
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation”, 2 Cor. 6. 2. This oft-repeated text of Scripture expresses, among other things, the apostles sense of urgency in presenting the c…
In our previous article we considered the words of the Lord Jesus, “whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased”, and now we look at the other side of the picture, “he that humbleth himself shall be exal…
At the first God divided the light from the darkness, and the darkness He called night. Night was mercifully given that man might enjoy rest after his labours. But fallen man often uses night as an oppo…
In considering the subject of Christian priesthood, two points will need to be covered by way of introduction. (a) Every Believer is a Priest. Observe carefully the literal translation of Revelation 1. …
Besides the two great protagonists whose Scripture portraits we have already studied (namely, the Roman prince and the antichrist), there appears on the stage a third influential personage during this l…
The recognition of the sole sovereignty of the Lord over His people is evidently of great importance. Yet it is sadly true that this absolute Lordship has not always been recognized. In Isaiah’s day, a …
We live in an age in which changes are taking place all around us. In many areas of human endeavour, those things that our fathers thought were established and unchangeable are being questioned and over…

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