Articles for the Issue –

1980 Volume 31 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
The church at Corinth probably caus-ed Paul more anxiety than any other church within his knowledge. In con-trast to “false apostles” who were doing such damage by preaching “another Jesus” and a differ…
translated from the Portuguese The Family Count. It is always a laughing point when a father cannot remember the birthdays of his child-ren. The author met one father of a large Brasilian family who cou…
"Until He find it”, Luke 15.4. These words, taken out of the context of the parable of the lost sheep, speak volumes concerning the patience and persistence of the Shepherd who sought that which was los…
This paper includes a Parenthesis, ch. 24, and deals with Privileges and Property, ch. 25. At this point in the record there appears to be a break in continuity, with a repetition of some of the laws, f…
To some is given a placid temperament which seems to weather all the storms of life calmly. To others this calm-ness maintains in all but the most severe storms. Yet to the majority of us that tranquili…
As Jesus spoke, a multitude approach-ed to apprehend Him, Matt. 26. 47. It consisted of priests, elders, temple officers, soldiers, servants, and pos-sibly many who came merely out of curiosity. Nor did…
This little Epistle of only fourteen verses is full of lessons for us today. Comparing it with the Second Epistle, we notice a number of con-trasts. In the Second Epistle, we are told not to receive int…

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