Articles for the Issue –

1979 Volume 30 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
There is, perhaps, no writing in the book of God so majestic and so won-derful as the Epistle to the Ephesians. Here we reach the very pinnacle of spiritual knowledge, the summit of revealed truth, the …
Introduction. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”, Isa. 40. 31. In collecting the reports of the Lord’s work at this time of the year, we are conscious that we do not only look bac…
PROVERBS 29. 18; HABAKKUK2. 1-4; ACTS 26. 19; REVELATION 3.14-22 Few Bible-studying believers will deny that we appear to be living in the last days of the church age, the days of Revelation 3. 14-22. …
In the previous consideration of the two model prayers that the Lord taught His disciples, we noted that the first model dealt mainly with the believer’s private, personal prayer. The second model, Luke…
The grace of God has a richness, Eph. 1. 7, and glory, v. 6, that is in keeping with His Person. He is “the God of all grace”, 1 Pet. 5.10, and we believers surely cannot forget the display to us of the…
Biblical facts, spiritual verities, must be accepted by faith ; but there may be times when some feel the need for some “evidential” assurance as they face fierce sceptical and agnostic criticism in col…
In studying the life of Zechariah and the part he played in the history of Israel, we are dealing with the times that followed the Babylonian exile. Little is known about his origin and background apart…
Book Reviews in this Issue
This is a fresh commentary of more than 200 pages, published by Gospel Tract Publications, 48 York Street, Glasgow G2. Available from the author (see rear cover). Price £1 -50. Canadian and U.S.A. distr…

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