Articles for the Issue –

1976 Volume 27 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
1 CORINTHIANS 4. 1-5 A partisan SPIRIT had emerged in the assembly at Corinth, so much so that believers were declaring their allegiance to one and another, and in so doing they were creating contention…
What justification do we have in looking for Christ in this book? Surely there is no better authority than Christ Himself, ‘“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: but they ar…
God is the God of ideals, as we also must be if we are to grow in likeness to Christ, both in our own lives and in those we seek to help. We share the Father’s joy, as with Him “we see Jesus … crowned w…
The following reports give cause for rejoicing as we read of souls being saved and a new assembly established. They also present a challenge as to how serious we are in our Gospel witness. When was the …
What an attractive title is that of “The Man of God”. It is surely one which we should all desire to acquire, yet it is one which has to be earned and for which one would need to qualify. The title is o…
In a world fraught with trouble and distress, in a society plagued by anxiety and mental illness, the promise of our Lord still comes to the believer: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: …
In chapter 1, we find the construction of character through the truth, but in chapter 2, we have corrupt doctrine intent upon the destruction of the unwary. Peter gives a vehement description of false t…
We are living in days when the grotesque concept of “unisex” is gaining ground in the political and social spheres of our land, and is being increasingly adopted as the accepted practice in our society.…
The Acts of the Apostles records the triumphant progress of the gospel in Jerusalem, chs. 1-7, in Samaria, chs. 8-12, and finally unto the uttermost parts of the earth, chs. 13-28. But what is equally c…
Asa is the first of the kings of Judah concerning whom it is said that he “did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God”, 2 Chron. 14. 2. The chronicler goes on to record his early …

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