Articles for the Issue –

1974 Volume 25 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
CAUSE AND EFFECT by H. M. LlNTON, Bristol From whichever angle the discerning reader approaches this wonderful Epistle, he is confronted with the great thoroughness with which the apostle presents us wi…
This chapter we have labelled “Be careful”, for in it Paul urges Timothy to “shun”, “depart”, “purge”, “flee" and “avoid" certain perils that beset his path. At the end of the chapter he speaks of those…
Sir Alan Herbert, who championed the Matrimonial Causes Act 1937, wrote a book in the 1930’s entitled Holy Deadlock, as part of his campaign for the reform of our matrimonial law. Featured in this book …
Have we lost faith in the old fashioned Gospel and the old fashioned ways of making it known? Is this why there is a lack of real conviction of sin and true repentance? A woman passing a Gospel Hall was…
Anthony Norris Groves had the mission field in view when he first associated with that little band of simple Christians in Dublin. Those men were anxious to obey the Scriptures, the whole of the Scriptu…
Tears are a spontaneous outward emotion when the mind and soul experience grief and sorrow, and are the portion of both believer and unbeliever. The Lord’s human eyes experienced tears; He wept at the s…
At the birth of her second son, Leah’s hopes revived. She said: “Because the Lord hath heard that I was hated (lit. 'not loved’)* he hath therefore given me this son also”, Gen. 29. 33. She called the c…
The Position of Ruth in the Canon of Scripture. The order of the Books in the Hebrew Bible is (a) The Torah, or the Law, (b) The Nebi'im, or the Prophets, and (c) The Kethubiniy or the Writings. The Law…
A man often reveals most about himself when he least intends it. Luke does this in the first four verses of his Gospel. In explaining to his Christian friend Theophilus why he was writing the book, he s…
The writer of this Psalm thrills with the overflowing happi-ness of forgiveness. Maclaren says concerning its opening verses, “One must have a dull ear not to hear the voice of personal experience in th…
Book Reviews in this Issue
By James Anderson Pp. 49; 25p. Copies available from the author, Millbank, Privick Mill Road, Auchincruive, Ayr, KA6 5JA. The following article, Missionary Endeavour, is a chapter of the helpful bookl…

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