Articles for the Issue –

1973 Volume 24 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
The Gospel – its Bearing on Prayer. Prayer is the first subject-matter on which Paul gives direction. Its range must encompass all men from the highest to the lowest, for each can disturb the tranquilit…
"The seed is the word of God”, Luke 8. n. "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which livedi and abideth for ever”, 1 Peter 1. 23. We must always remember…
The Epistle to the Colossians is the Epistle of fulness. A brief analysis of the letter confirms this. Chapter 1 indicates Christ as Fulness Revealed. Chapter 2 declares Christ as Fulness Resident. Chap…
3. THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, 1. 22-25 The previous paper dealing with sanctification. was concerned with the bearing on Christian life of relationship with the Father, and of the redeeming work of th…
The analysis of Matthew 13 given in the last paper showed that the eight parables were divided into two groups of four. The first four (1 followed by 3 grouped) were spoken to the multitudes; and the se…
Often, when we want to underline the sorrows and the humiliation of our Lord, we quote the well-known verses from Isaiah 53. There He is so minutely described as “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with g…
The Lord Himself – how precious it is to the soul to meditate on the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, We think of Himself as the sacrifice: "once in the end of the world (i.e., the ages) hath he appeare…
LEVITICUS 2. 1-16; 6. 14-23; 7. 9-10 In our Authorised Version we read of the “meat offering" in Leviticus 2. “Meat" is the old English word for food of any kind, and it should not be interpreted accor…

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