Articles for the Issue –

1973 Volume 24 Issue 2
Articles in this Issue
The age in which we live is accurately described in verse 9: “lawless and disobedient (unsubject)"-manward; “ungodly and sinners"- Godward; “unholy and profane"- selfward. Some details are given by Paul…
Eastern custom has always been very different from our own European culture. Here a gentleman lifts his hat upon entering a home; in Israel he would remove his shoes. Similarly a typical Hebrew wedding …
With the coming of another summer season with its opportunities for witness in the open-air, we do well to consider what use we plan to make of it in our own locality. Children can be reached who never …
Earlier papers in this series have traced the work of God -Father, Son and Holy Spirit – for the salvation of men. Peter now turns, as a natural sequence of thought, to the work of God in men – namely, …
There is much gained by “reading" the Scriptures, although with many this is sadly neglected. There is greater gain by “meditating" in the Scriptures, but this is a lost art amongst Christians today. To…
Despite the teaching of evolution, the Bible teaches that all species of animate life are separate and distinct. Paul writes, “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one flesh of men, and another…
The New Testament does not provide many details of the eternal conditions that will obtain when the present church dispensation on earth is ended. The study of prophecy in itself, concerned with the ear…
In this article it is not the writer’s intention to speak of the Lord’s people as Pharisees. God’s Word would teach us to speak carefully about His children. “Speak not evil one of another’ is the word …

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