Articles for the Issue –

1972 Volume 23 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
by T. Holliday, Canada READ JOHN 15. 4-7; I JOHN 2. 6, 28j 3. 6 The Lord, when imparting His last words of instruction and comfort to His disciples, again and again pressed the necessity and blessednes…
In 1965 a group of believers from the Hamilton area of Lanarkshire decided to concentrate their attention upon the nearest country town with no assembly witness, which was Peebles. Fortnightly visits we…
The Old Testament records show how the land of Palestine was apportioned to the tribes of Israel, Josh. 13-17. The subsequent, chequered history of God’s earthly nation brought about many changes. Durin…
We have now reached what we have suggested is the third main section of the Epistle. CHAPTERS 5 AND 6 THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IN THE CHARACTER OF THE BELIEVER "The Spirit" is not mentioned at all in the…
Christianity is an historic faith. We have not followed cunningly devised fables. However, we must remember that the facts of the faith were preached long before they were penned. The chief concern of t…
Verse i of this chapter is broken off suddenly (not un-common in Paul’s writings) and is resumed in Verse 14 where we are given his great second prayer for the saints, (cf. i. I5ff). He speaks of himsel…
The Epistle to the Philippians was written as a “thank you letter’ from Paul in his Roman prison, to acknowledge a gift, brought by Epaphroditus, from the saints at Philippi. As we study it, we find tha…

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