Articles for the Issue –

1971 Volume 22 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
Work, for the ‘day’ is coming by and by, When He, the Master, all our work shall try; O that we may, with ever-single eye, Work till the Master comes. Work, for the ‘day’ is coming very near, When in…
A devotional study of places the Lord visited as seen in Mark 14 The world is full of shrines and so-called “holy" places which mark the spot of a supposed visit by certain people whose names it is desi…
This is the central book of the Pentateuch, the book of sanctification, divinely enjoined and typically expressed. Its keywords are “atonement" (over forty times), and “holy" (over eighty times), and th…
The Psalm of the Burnt Offering, as this fortieth Psalm is commonly called, presents as its central theme the one perfect offering, or, obedience “unto death, even the death of the cross”. It is the God…
On his second itinerary Paul, separated from Barnabas because of the dissension between them regarding John Mark, had as his companion Silvanus, a name frequently abbreviated as Silas. Together they vis…
The apostle now proceeds, in the second paragraph, to speak both of the instruments used by God in the accomplish-ment of the intention of salvation, and of the intervention of the Enemy to thwart the a…
READ NUMBERS 10. I-IO; PSALM 8l. 3 Every Christian would, we are sure, like to live a happy Christian life. In using this term, we mean that life which is proper to a Christian, as Paul wrote, “the life…
In that interesting story of the prodigal son recorded in Luke 15, the young man as he served by the swine troughs confessed that in his father’s house there was bread enough and to spare;, yet he was p…

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