Articles for the Issue –

1971 Volume 22 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
Exodus is of great value as a picture book of many New Testament truths. We shall notice some lessons from the section which we may entitle Israel in Egypt, chs. 1 to 12. Enslaved and Emanci-pated. The …
When J. Hadley visited Truro and St. Austell last year for the Ministry of the Word he took up subjects such as The Local Church, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, Government and Elders, Worship and Witnes…
This is the last of the letters to the seven churches. Many more churches existed than these seven in John’s day, but the Spirit selected these seven as representing seven conditions which may be found …
Manhood of Messiah. Here again we are directed to a study of the humanity of Christ, but His humanity seen from an entirely different perspective from that of Psalm 8. There it is the dominion of Messia…
When Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch after preaching the Word in Cyprus and Asia Minor, they rehearsed in the assembly there how God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. Their report doub…
The apostle had a twofold object in view in writing this Epistle to the churches of Galatia. 1. From the true spiritual character of the Christian revelation which had been brought to them in Paul’s pre…
The second food problem was the feeding of the nation of Israel throughout their wanderings in the wilderness over forty years, Exod. 16. 35. The marvel of the divine provision is emphasized in the best…
The chapters which remain to be considered in this series conclude the main division of Exodus which we have entitled THE TEACHINGS OF JEHOVAH AND THE WILL OF GOD, 19. 1 to 40. 38 Parts of this have alr…

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