Articles for the Issue –

1968 Volume 19 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
The King having entered His own city to be crucified, He now uses various opportunities to show the true state of the Jewish nation as a whole, and of the Gentiles who would be brought in under grace. I…
We would express our thanks to those brethren who collect the reports that appear in this section. At the same time readers are re-minded that the Lord’s servants who are referred to are in no way respo…
“With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again’. This proverb seems to have been often on the lips of the Lord Jesus, and is recorded in each of the three Synoptic Gospels, Matt. 7. 2; Ma…
The Epistle to the Hebrews is one of the greatest and most important in the New Testament. Its opening chapter is one of the most fascinating and satisfying that one could read; its dignified presentati…
Before we proceed further in this series of papers, we must deal briefly with the question of sin. It was to solve this awful problem that the Son of God came into the world. It need hardly be said that…
Among the mysteries committed to the apostle Paul was that of the Church, Col. 1. 25-27. In the Epistle to the Ephesians he expounds more the great truth of the Church as the body of Christ, but in the …
We now consider the last aspect of the three-fold work of the Holy Spirit as given in 2 Corinthians 1. 21,22, namely that of the Earnest. We read that it is God who has “given the earnest of the Spirit …
The great spiritual force of the presentation of a Suffering Messiah will be felt when a reader bears in mind three simple matters concerning this great Epistle. i. The Chief Characteristic. It contrast…
The English word “world” is used to translate a variety of words found in the original Scriptures, meaning at different times the material land or earth, the habitable earth, mankind, an age or dispensa…

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