Articles for the Issue –

1967 Volume 18 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
It is the privilege of believers to engage in much varied spiritual activity according to the precept and example of the New Testament. But at what stage of their spiritual growth do believers start to …
In Eden’s garden there were trees that bore all manner of fruit for the sustenance of the life of man and in Revelation 22. 2 we read of “the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits,, and yield…
“By all means save some” Walking through a street market in the north of London, jostled by young and old of various nationalities, a passer-by would be attracted by a stall displaying portions of the W…
as we look through this prayer of the Lord it surprises us to notice the number of times that the Lord makes reference to The World Since it does not refer to the same thing in each case, the context mu…
In this lesson we shall say something about setting out and keeping notes. Perhaps we ought first to ask ourselves if there is anything to be gained by keeping notes. Now as few have photographic or eve…
In order to facilitate the study of the next section of the Epistle, it will be advantageous to keep in mind the thought of the Headship of Christ and the building up of the Body of Christ. A brief anal…
The second Feast in the series is the Feast of Unleavened Bread. While it is distinct from the Passover it is never separated from it. This feast began on a Sabbath, on the same night as the Passover, a…
We shall now consider the vessels standing within the holy place, which we have already referred to as the place of service. These consist of (i) the golden lampstand, (ii) the golden table on which wer…
From the opening verse of the prophecy we learn something about Zephaniah, the writer. His genealogy is traced back for four generations to Hezekiah, R.V. This would suggest that he was the great-grands…

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