Articles for the Issue –

1964 Volume 15 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
It is a fascinating story which John unfolds in the fourth chapter of his Gospel. He tells us how a Samaritan woman, seeking to satisfy a natural thirst, comes face to face with Jesus the Messiah and fi…
INTRODUCTION, 1-4. i. Salutation, 1. ii. Solicitude, 2. iii. Satisfaction, 3-4. 1. COMMENDATION OF GAIUS, 5-8. His Assistance to Servants of Christ. 2. DENUNCIATION OF DIOTREPHES, 9-10. His Arroga…
All quotations are from the Revised Version Some Christians place all the emphasis on the spread of the Gospel; others place it on the welfare of the saints. The greatest hindrances to the progress of t…
One of the tragedies of our day is the spectacle of so many young folk leading aimless lives – lives with no direction and without any stabilising influence. Such were not the lives of the Christians po…
‘Be Thou exalted, O God’ It was in 1934 that a few believers first met to remember their Lord in a small hired room in Halesowen, Worcestershire. Five years later a hall was erected on the southern edge…
To the devoted servant of Christ the service He appoints carries its own reward. The love that has liberated him from the bondage of sin has captivated his soul. For one who appreciates, even in a small…
5. THESSALONICA Quotations are from the Revised Version The journey of about one hundred miles from Philippi to Thessalonica is divided in Acts 17. 1 into three roughly equivalent stages, and it is a re…
It is in beautiful accord with what we have already seen, that the chosen vessel to reveal this mystery should be the apostle Paul. The very manner of his conversion gave a suggestion of the entire char…
Our former meditations enabled us to see the general course of truth pertaining to the Spirit in the Scriptures. In giving attention to the Epistle to the Ephesians, we become selective; moreover, the S…

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