Articles for the Issue –

1964 Volume 15 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-2. Address and Salutation. 1. THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM’S EXPECTATION, 1. 3 to 2. 10. Salvation in view. i. Promised Destiny, 1. 3-5. The Living Hope. ii. Present Joy, 1. 6-9…
‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my …
One of the outstanding features of the first Christians was their utter devotion to the service of God. Timothy was a striking example of this; nor does this surprise us when we remember that it is said…
The city of Jerusalem was built upon four hills, mount Zion lying towards the south-west and mount Moriah towards the east. Immediately on the east outside the city in the valley of Jehoshaphat, flowed …
The commencement of another year is a fitting point to record our appreciation of the efforts of all who have co-operated in any way in the compilation of reports. The time and labour devoted by a numbe…
INTRODUCTION In this and following articles it is proposed to examine the chief features of those churches which figure prominently in the Acts in the hope of learning some practical lessons for present…
The Holy Scriptures speak of the Spirit of God from cover to cover. On its first page there is painted the impressive picture of chaos, when darkness was upon the face of the deep; but the Spirit of God…

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