Articles for the Issue –

1963 Volume 14 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
Much loose thinking and talking prevails regarding this vitally important truth, and the question is frequently asked, Is there a second blessing? As in all leaching from the Scriptures, it is dangerous…
All quotations are from the Revised VersionThe apostle Paul could say ‘Brethren, be ye imitators together of me, and mark them which so walk even as ye have us for an en-sample’, Phil. 3. 17. Those whom…
INTRODUCTION, 1. Address and Salutation.1.ENCOURAGEMENTS IN PRESENT AFFLICTION,1. 1-8. Patience and Prayer.2. EXHORTATION IN VIEW OF LIFE‘S TRANSIENCE,1. 9-11.Comparison – Life as the Grass. Poverty and…
Nero has gone, and the persecution peculiar to his reign goes with him. There is a short lull ere another period of persecution breaks upon the Church. Domitian reigns, the storm breaks out which did no…
All quotations are from the Revised VersionThe name ‘Moriah’ occurs only twice in Scripture, namely in Genesis 22. 2 and 2 Chronicles 3. 1. From each of these scriptures we shall briefly trace through t…
The author of this article writes that he hopes by this account of translation work to stimulate prayerful interest; the workers engaged in this project are the object of satanic opposition in a variety…

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