Articles for the Issue –

1963 Volume 14 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
1. THE PRE-EMINENCE OF CHRIST.DOCTRINALSECTION, 1. 1 to 10. 18.i. In Relation to Old Covenant Individuals, 1. 1 to 7. 28.a. Superior to Prophets, 1. 1-3. Finality of the Christian Revela-tion.b. Superio…
Seeing that we. are nearing the close of the present dispensation, and the Lord is almost at the door, how our hearts long to be found occupying till He come, Luke 19.13, taking heed to the ministry whi…
CHRIST THE POWER OF AVICTORIOUSLIFEWe have noticed that one of the outstanding features of this Epistle is that the apostle appeals constantly to his own Christian character, and that of others, as the …
All quotations are from the Revised VersionEffectual service for God demands the consecration of the life to Him; he whose members are to be ‘instruments of righteousness’, Rom. 6. 13, must present hims…
Before reading the following paper, readers may care to re-read the first part that appeared in the last issue; the present paper forms the conclusion of the subject. In the next issue, we hope to publi…
The first notice of this companion of Paul in the Scriptures is in Acts 16. 1. No wonder Paul, who no longer had Barnabas and Mark with him, but only Silas, felt that God had raised up Timothy as a fres…
Many readers may remember the series of articles written by Mr. J. H. Large entitled ‘When thy son asketh thee’ and published in Precious Seed in 1959 and 1960. The articles dealt with problems and ques…
In our PREVIOUS paper, we firstly considered the theme of Zion as the place of God’s choice, similar in thought to the choice of the Assembly in Christ before its formation at Pentecost. Secondly, we de…

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