Articles for the Issue –

1962 Volume 13 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
We sorrowfully inform our readers that precious seed has lost another valuable helper by the home call of our beloved brother Alfred George Anstice at the age of 73. He joined us when the magazine was i…
The blessed request of the lord to ‘feed my sheep’ continues to be heard by all those called by Him to ‘feed the church of God’. As the risen Lord, He calls and equips many to serve in this field; in va…
There are three great subjects in the Gospel of John, light, love and life. Light is prominent in the first half. Love pervades the whole Gospel. Life is the chief central theme, which we shall examine …
How vividly young josiah remembered that proud day, only two years before, when his father was crowned king of Judah. But his father when aged twenty-four was murdered by his servants in his own home, a…
Both these words convey the idea of ‘disobedience’. Parakouo, the verb related to the noun parakoe, means basically ‘to listen inattentively, to take no notice of what is heard’. It is used in this sens…
INTRODUCTION, I. 1-2. i. Address, 1. ii. Greeting, 2.1. EXHIBITION OF LOVING CONCERN,1. 3-26.PAUL‘S SOLICITUDE FOR THE PHILIPPIANS.i. Thanksgiving for their Progress, 3-5. ii. Confidence regarding the P…
Various points of view have been taught during recent days suggesting that we shall not know each other in heaven. For instance, some teach that Galatians 3. 28 suggests that in Christ we lose our indiv…
The effects of the death of christ are revealed to us in expressions with which we are familiar. Such terms as Ransom, Redemption and Reconciliation are, of course, only word-pictures, windows that allo…
The christian is the most privileged person in the world, for he has been granted something which has been, and still is, denied followers of other beliefs, that is, the joy to be found in the worship o…

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