Articles for the Issue –

1962 Volume 13 Issue 2
Articles in this Issue
INTRODUCTION, I. 1-10 i. Salutation, 1-5. Address, 1-2. Greetings 3-5. ii. Reprobation, 6-10.Apostasy of the Galatians, 6-7. Anathema upon the Perverters, 8-9. Attitude of the Apostle, 10.1. THE APOLOGY…
‘For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God’, Heb. 3. 4 Three things must here be noted: first, a building is erected when there is a need for it. Someone needs a place …
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is absolutely essential to the Christian Gospel, for, as Paul states: ‘If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith also is …
‘We have no leaders’ is an unscriptural boast, Heb. 13. 24. If the Spirit of God raises up no leaders in the various branches of a church’s work, the believers should be on their knees to discover why. …
These words have in common that they all denote the very young child. Brephos is an unborn child, Luke 1. 41, a babe new-born, Acts 7. 19, and a child still in babyhood. So then the children brought to …
Since an assembly is a house of God, 1 Tim. 3. 15; 1 Pet. 2. 5; 1 Cor. 3. 17, we may expect to learn some useful lessons from the case dealt with in Leviticus 14. In the preceding chapter is found the w…
‘So when David was Old … , he made Solomon his son king over Israel’, so reads 1 Chronicles 23.1; but it is important to notice that the choice was in line with the mind of God; ‘and of all my sons . . …
When our Lord spoke to His disciples about His forthcoming death ‘they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him’. They could not fit such an irrevocable happening into the scheme of their …
It was at the beginning of our Lord’s ministry that He revealed just how a man could really live. It is not to be by merely eating ordinary bread by which the physical frame is built up, but by every wo…

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