Articles for the Issue –

1962 Volume 13 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
IT WOULD BE RECKLESS, rather than bold, to venture on any prediction as to what 1962 holds in store for the world. Even when writing only a few weeks ahead of publication there is the risk that comments…
THE PREVIOUS ARTICLE showed that from God’s angle Israel’s first king failed because of self-will and presumption. In contrast ‘David … a man after mine own heart which shall fulfil all my will’, Acts 1…
We are pleased to say that John Heading has consented to join us on the Committee. Those of our readers who are already familiar with the spiritual character of his written and oral teaching will share …
BOTH THESE WORDS ARE USED to express the idea of forgiveness. Apliiemi, the more common of the two, means basically to let go, to send away, and so when used to express forgiveness it signifies remissio…
THIS NOTICE WAS TO BE SEEN on the west pier at Newhaven, Sussex. It reminds some of us of the white flag which it was said General Gordon, the hero of Khartoum, placed outside his tent at certain times …
Prayer should be characterized by: Perseverance – Continue in prayer, Col. 4. 2. Reality – Call upon Him in truth, Ps. 145. 18.Anticipation- Look out for the answers, Ps. 5. 3 (Newberry margin). Yearnin…
NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE are we given the qualifications for the minister of a church. The reason is plain. God does not envisage the existence of such a person.Many people at present worshipping in circles…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-11. i. Opening Salutation, 1-2.Address, 1. Greeting, 2. ii. Fervent Thanksgiving, 3-11.The Consolation, 3-7. The Affliction, 8-11. 1. VINDICATION OF PAUL‘S ACTIONS, 1. 12 to 7. 16.i. …
SINCE THE DEITY OF CHRIST is the citadel of the Christian faith it need surprise no one that it is the devil’s main target; thus it will be found that at the core of most false systems is a denial of th…
With regard to the article on our Lord’s incarnation in the November number of PRECIOUS SEED, one reader (speaking perhaps for others) has suggested that it is difficult to avoid seeing our Lord as in s…
1 Cor. 3. 1-3; Eph. 4. ix-16; 2 Peter I. 1-8; 2 Peter 3. 18 AMONG THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS a Christian should ask himself are ‘Am I stronger in the faith than when I lint believed?’. ‘Am I growing up in …
Book Reviews in this Issue
THE WORD ‘BIRTH’ conveys the thought of a beginning, the bringing into being of a personality not having had previous existence, whilst the word ‘firstborn’ indicates the order of birth – the first-to-b…

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