Articles for the Issue –

1961 Volume 12 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
‘I DESIRE THE FULLEST LIBERTY FOR THE SPIRIT, but not theleast for the flesh’, wrote J. N. Darby in 1839. This sentence highlights a problem facing every local church. Can we have liberty in services wi…
A DISTINCTION SHOULD BE DRAWN between Bible reading and Bible study, though both are essential to the Christian’s spiritual well-being, and each supplements the other. The former is for the devotional h…
WHEN THE HUMAN RACE COMMENCED, Adam was created as its head: when a family was to be chosen to be God’s elect people Abraham was selected. His descendants, after years of bondage cried unto Jehovah for …
‘Nous’, is ‘MIND’ in the sense of the intellect, the reasoning faculty, the understanding. When Paul exclaimed ‘Who hath known the mind (i.e., intellect and intellect in action, the dunking and planning…
THE LORD JESUS made a seemingly paradoxical statement in Matt. 13. 12, which if rightly understood, may well explain much of the failure and weakness that exists in assembly life today. His words were: …
ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS of the man out of Christ is thanklessness, Rom. 1.21. God and His claims are refused and set aside, self is given a place of exaltation and the inner cravings of the heart sti…
A PERUSAL OF PSALM 139 will show clearly that God is omnipresent and omniscient. It is remarkable that Jonah did not quote this Psalm: it was far too pertinent to his state and actions – it condemned hi…
THE NEW TESTAMENT gives a constant and uniform testimony of the mind of God concerning the provision and work of those to whom is committed the care of local churches. The various passages relating to t…
THERE ARE MANY ‘BETTER THINGS’ written of in this rather despised book that will well repay thought, and the above quotation speaks of one of them.The writer has in view two families, both professing th…

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