Articles for the Issue –

1961 Volume 12 Issue 2
Articles in this Issue
THE SECOND CHARACTER in this series of sketches presents a distinct contrast to the first one – Adam. While very little is recounted of Adam and his experiences, a great deal is placed on record concern…
ARE YOU A SOWER of God’s Word? See with what diligence the husbandman applies himself to the task, going forth un-questioningly to sow, to ‘cast in the principal wheat and the appointed barley and the r…
TAMMAS IS A FIGURE WE HAVE ALL MET. ‘A great theologian was Tammas’, writes F. W. Boreham. ‘As soon as I announced my text, he took a large notebook from his breast pocket and a stubby blue pencil from …
As CHRISTIANS WE BELIEVE in divine guidance but many of us are uncertain of the methods by which this guidance is given. In the Scriptures, and particularly in the Old Testament, God communicated His wi…
Subject: THE PRAYER AND PASSION OF THE SAVIOUR. Study Portion: Chapters 17, 18, and 19.OUTLINEThese chapters have been called the ‘Holy of Holies’ of the Gospel of John. In them the mind of Christ is ex…
4. THE APPARATUS FOR BIBLE STUDYBESIDES ONE‘S FAVOURITE BIBLE for general reading, it is advisable to have for the study desk a well-bound and reasonably large clear type Parallel Version or Interlinear…
PHRONEO, SOPHRONE&PHRONEO, ’to think’ means not so much to use the critical faculty as:1. ‘to occupy one’s mind with’, e.g.Col. 3. 2. ‘Set your mind (A.V. affections) on things above.’ Phil. 3. 19. …
Please read 1 Tim. 6. 15, 16; 1 Tim. 1. 17; 1 Cor. 8. 6.IN VIEW OF THESE TREMENDOUS STATEMENTS, that anyone of His creatures should dare to write of the being of God calls for the utmost humility and de…

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