Articles for the Issue –

1960 Volume 11 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
Subject- NICODEMUSANDHISCONVERSATIONWITH THE LORD JESUS. Study Portion – Chapter 3. 1-21. OUTLINE Note three interesting conversations in the Gospel of John involving - 3. 1-21. A man with a religious p…
SCATTERED OVER THE WORLD are hundreds of thousands of Christian communities affiliated with one or other of the great denominations. No doubt the majority of Christians regard this as a most natural sta…
HE WAS A YOUNG MAN and in a foreign land, far from home. Everything around him was strange – the customs observed, the language spoken, the dress worn, the food eaten. Even his name had been changed. Th…
WE ARE NOT TOLD ANYTHING in the Scriptures concerning Timothy’s father beyond the fact that he was a Greek. We may glean from the construction of Acts 16. 3 that he was now dead, but we are told that th…

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